Buying less is great. Wanting less is better #minimalism
Buying less is great. Wanting less is better #minimalism
— Sandilya “Sandy” Bhamidipati (@iamsandilya) May 31, 2020
Buying less is great. Wanting less is better #minimalism
Buying less is great. Wanting less is better #minimalism
— Sandilya “Sandy” Bhamidipati (@iamsandilya) May 31, 2020
RT @EIegantJapan: Vintage Japanese Art by Tsuchiya Koitsu https://t.co/CsPXpOgdDQ http://twitter.com/iamsandilya/status/1264336862904119296
To me #minimalism is not just buying less things but also having the ability to repair what I own. I support #righttorepair. If you don’t know what I mean, pick up a screwdriver and start cleaning your vacuum cleaner. You will appreciate my cause.
To me #minimalism is not just buying less things but also having the ability to repair what I own. I support #righttorepair. If you don’t know what I mean, pick up a screwdriver and start cleaning your vacuum cleaner. You will appreciate my cause.
— Sandilya “Sandy” Bhamidipati (@iamsandilya) May 23, 2020
date -d @1000000000 # Turn a Unix epoch time back into a human readable date. This is a not widely known feature of the GNU date command. Link to tweet
date -d @1000000000 # Turn a Unix epoch time back into a human readable date. This is a not widely known feature of the GNU date command.
— Command Line Magic (@climagic) May 20, 2020
The only ppl allowed to call me “baby” are my boyfriend, my mama, and the nice as fuck ladies who work at the post office. Link to tweet
The only ppl allowed to call me “baby” are my boyfriend, my mama, and the nice as fuck ladies who work at the post office.
— kaeli (@kaeli) May 19, 2020